The Puerto Rican Bar Associations National Conference is a first and unique opportunity for attorneys who have affiliated according to their cultural ties to network among themselves as well as professionally enhance their skills.
It is not unusual for attorneys to have clients with cross-jurisdictional legal issues. Meeting attorneys whom one has time to know, interview, and break bread is an excellent method to better client services. Many attorneys in the mainland USA who have been educated in a State know little about the Island's culture, history, or legal status. The conference centered on the CLE courses also offers the cultural connections presented as a unique opportunity to learn what they never knew about their heritage and culture and meet colleagues from the Island. Past events of the Puerto Rican Bar Association of Florida under the direction of Anthony Suarez have been well attended and were important events in Central Florida for attorneys, political leaders, and law school professors.
The Moot Court Competition hosted by the PRBA of Florida involved over fifteen (15) law schools from different states, from NY and Illinois to Florida and Puerto Rico. The competition was held in three regional locations, and the finals were held in Orlando, Florida. The Bench included one Justice of the Florida Supreme Court and one Justice from NY's highest Court.
The Political Salsa convention hosted by PRBA of Florida was considered a “must attend” event by all political candidates in Orange and Osceola counties. These events brought the candidates to the people, who had the opportunity to interview, converse, and otherwise network with the actual candidates who attended the Political Hobnob.
Puerto Rico Day, in Tallahassee Florida, the State Capital hosted by the PRBA of Florida, is a red-letter day in the State Capital. This event is an opportunity for not-for-profits and community leaders to attend the State Legislature, and lobby for favored legislation, and make their presence known where major financial and policy decisions are being made.
This National Conference is designed to bring opinion leaders from around the country who are interested in the issues affecting Puerto Rico; as attorneys, those in attendance will be in a great position to influence legislators back home on what they have learned at the convention with the continuing education classes which are part of the weekend agenda. These courses will be certified by the Bar Associations of the participating states and thus is an excellent way to both earn the state-required CLE, participate in mandatory community service, enhance the knowledge of the Legal Issues facing the Island; as well as network to grow your practice. This convention is an opportunity for lawyers to network among themselves, for vendors to have access to a niche market, and for political influencers to launch ideas and gather support.